entertainment 2312 Liked! 19 Disliked 0 Horror movie kills that are, well, killer! (23 GIFs) by: Camry In: Creepy, Entertainment, Halloween, Movies Sep 26, 2024 2312 Liked! 19 Disliked 0 1GIF As a horror movie lover, you’ve gotta enjoy a good kill. Having a large amount of them under your belt is impressive but it’s nothing compared to creativity. Pizazz. Razzle dazzle, if you will. Sometimes, however, they’re iconic without even needing to be showy. It’s a beautiful, bloody balance. Warning: Some of these are pretty gory and pretty graphic, even in GIF form, so scroll at your own risk! Like this post? 2312 Liked! 19 Disliked 0
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