entertainment 569 Liked! 25 Disliked 0 Movies that deserved a sequel but, sadly, we’re still waiting…(20 GIFs) by: Bob In: Entertainment, Interesting, Movies, Pop Culture Apr 11, 2023 569 Liked! 25 Disliked 0 1GIF Let me preface this thread by stating that these days Hollywood is often quick to make a sequel(s) that never deserved their own existence in the first place. Too many ideas are rehashed and recycled for the almighty buck. HOWEVER, on some rare occasions there comes a film that stirred audience’s blood and that was ripe for a sequel. Below, movie fans share the films they think most deserved, even needed, a sequel, that fans everywhere could get behind! Like this post? 569 Liked! 25 Disliked 0
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