In: Entertainment, Movies
“Sisu” Review: WWII pulp action at its leanest and meanest (6 GIFs)
91 minutes.
When Sisu started, I was keenly aware that it was 91 minutes long. I was also aware that it was directed by Jalmari Helander, the Finnish director behind the cult horror-comedy classic Rare Exports, a film I love a lot.
The reason I’m emphasizing these objective facts about Sisu is that it might be the only information you need to know if you’re going to see this film or not beyond knowing the film’s premise. An ex-soldier for Finland during World War II named Aatami (Jorma Tommila) is now a prospector, searching for gold in the hills ignoring the final days of the conflict.
When he actually strikes gold, he must journey through scorched-Earth Finland with his dog and horse, and face off against a convoy of Nazis desperate to steal his gold.
That’s it. That’s the whole 91 minutes.