In: Entertainment, Movies
The Fantastic Fest 2022 Short Review Round-Up: Part 2 (11 GIFs and Photos)
Photo Credit: Jack Plunkett
Well, that’s a wrap on Fantastic Fest.
Last night, I saw my final films for the festival this year, and it was bittersweet. In the course of eight days, I saw a total of 18 movies, and thankfully most of them were pretty damn good. A few of them are even some of my favorite movies of the year so far, but all good things must come to an end.
Here are the rest of the movies I saw, including the 2nd Secret Screening (as you can see, it was a hell of a Secret Screening, more on that later). You can read the first round of reviews I wrote HERE, and I’ll do a Top 5 ranking at the end of this piece for my absolute favorites of the festival this year: