entertainment 545 Liked! 38 Disliked 0 The dumbest song lyrics ever created, so say the listeners…(22 GIFs) by: Bob In: Entertainment, Interesting, Music, Pop Culture, Too True Mar 30, 2023 545 Liked! 38 Disliked 0 1GIF OppositeYouth “My new bitch yellow, she blow that dick like a cello” To explain, which is even funnier/dumber than the lyric, “OK, let’s stop for a second. Before you come at me, I’ma let you know. I’ma blame my A&R. Because he listened to that song many times and he allowed me to say that. I guess for a second, I thought a cello was a woodwind instrument and it is not. And nobody ever said shit. Nobody ever pulled up a pic and said, “Hey man. I don’t know if you know what this is, but it ain’t that.” I fucked up. I thought Squidward played the cello. He don’t. That’s a flute. Like this post? 545 Liked! 38 Disliked 0
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