entertainment 3515 Liked! 16 Disliked 0 Leave Richard Karn alone! by: Joe In: Celebrity, Entertainment, Pop Culture, TV Oct 14, 2024 3515 Liked! 16 Disliked 0 1 Imagine how I felt when I saw that Al Borland himself was trending. Celebrities who had a heyday 30 years ago only trend now for a certain reason. It happened recently with James Earl Jones. Pete Rose. The list goes on and on. Now, it seemed Richard was was thrust back into trend territory. I feared the worst. “WHY GOD WHY?” I yelled at my Richard Karn autographed headshot. He stared blankly back, providing no comfort, only feelings. Tears welled as I slowly scrolled down to see the headlines. Like this post? 3515 Liked! 16 Disliked 0
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