In: Chive Nation, High-Res, Humanity
California’s Victory Lap Raises $24K for the Underdogs (30 HQ Photos)
Last fall, Chive Nation competed in the inaugural CHIVE K – an online virtual 5K race benefitting Chive Charities. The chapter that raised the most money for Chive Charities during the campaign would receive a special CHIVE K trophy designed by none other than Mac Faulkner, presented by the man himself at a future meetup.
Chive On Cali has always been one of our most active chapters. Being such a large state, the chapter is actually comprised of multiple groups including Chive on Kern and Bay Area Chivers. With their combined efforts, the crew was able to raise an astounding $17,114 for the underdogs during the CHIVE K.
Team Chive Nation has gone to Chive on Cali’s annual event, Effin Epic, for three years now. Held at Effin’s Pub & Grill, the staff and management have been phenomenal to Chivers year in and year out.
Effin Epic is a can’t-miss for regional meetups, so this had to be the one to bring Mac to so he could present the chapter with his awesomely awful CHIVE K trophy.