KCCO Black Lager first tasting for the troops and you in Seattle!
Details on an Official Chive Meetup at the Redhook Brewery in Woodinville on August 22nd are forthcoming. One thing is certain, our soldiers and sailors will be the very first to experience the new KCCO Black Lager. Without you men and women, our little site (and our country for that matter) wouldn’t be the place it is today. A massive block of tickets will be reserved for you.
There will be additional tickets available for our civilian Chivers as well. I wanted to give everybody the heads up now. If you’re willing to make the sojourn to Seattle you can join us to raise a glass of the delicious misfit. Tickets and details for the Meetup on the 22nd will be released next Monday! You’ll want to be here for this.
John n’ Leo