In: Awesome, Chive Everywhere, Chive Nation, Funny Pictures, High-Res, Humanity
It’s about time you met the other faces behind theCHIVE, shall we? (19 Photos)
TheCHIVE is now 12 years into its mission to make the world a happier place (that’s 84 in dog years, BTW, I checked) and we still never take for granted how the community has made our very existence possible. What has always made our site stand out more than anything else on the interwebs are the Chivers and Chivettes who support us, and to that end, we never feel entitled to a single shred of your loyalty. That has to be earned. No shortcuts. Just good old fashioned hustle.
So, for example, when John was singlehandedly signing thousands of cards over the past month to ship out to Chivers who sign up to the newly updated 3-year plan, he loved every minute of doodling dicks and well wishes on randomly themed cards for those Chivers who went out of their way to support us. John lives for this company and its community.