In: Chive Everywhere, High-Res
theCHIVE Spills into Denver (42 HQ Photos)
If there was one destination on the KCCO Black Lager tour that we all knew was going to get completely unhinged, it was Denver. I literally gathered all theCHIVERS together at the pre-party who weren’t at the first Denver meetup and said something like, “Ok the Denver Chivers are going to try and shake Spill Lounge off its foundation tonight. Remember to drink lots of water.”
This one lived up to its billing. Thanks to the Denver Chive Crew and Spill Lounge for your enthusiasm and constant support. KCCO Black Lager is now carried in more bars and liquor stores in Denver than any other city in the country. It’s not lost on us how cool and surreal all this has been.
Thanks also to Fado and Howl at the Moon for hosting amazing afterparty(s).
Find KCCO Black Lager nearest you by using our Beer Locator.
We’ll see you tomorrow, Dallas!