Win a round of golf with Bill Murray, join us for the Caddyshack Tournament! (29 Photos)
Every spring for the past three years, theCHIVERS pack our bags and head south to St. Augustine, Florida, for three days that can only be described as the real-life version of Caddyshack. Musicians, professional athletes, and a fleet of celebrities set up base at the World of Golf complex – the golf comes a distant second to the parties.
The Murray Bros. Charity Golf Tournament is one of the most exclusive golf tournaments in the land. Over the past 10 years, very few spots for new teams have opened up, attendance has been capped and the players are fun-seekers only. Straight-laced CEOs looking to hob nob with celebrities so they can gloat on Facebook don’t play this tournament. Murray Bros. Caddyshack is for the colorful personalities, a true family of misfits.
I’m stoked to announce that this year, for the first time ever, Bill and his brothers are opening five new foursome spots for Chivers. The benefits of this are more far-reaching than you might think. Those who score invites basically become lifetime season ticket holders to the best celebrity golf tournament in the world. You will also be grandfathered into the tournament and allowed to play as many years (consecutively) as you like.
So here is how it works: First, call three of your best friends and make sure they are free April 21-22nd. Foursomes are $5,000 and all proceeds go to charity. The Murray Bros. tournament has donated over $5 Million to educational and medical charities in its 15 year existence. Then email Chris Seeley at The first 5 teams to do this today will be inducted into the tournament.
But there’s another way to make this year’s tournament and golf with the man himself which only costs $5!
Welcome to the Cinderella Story Caddyshack Experience.
The Murray’s have teamed up with Prizeo and are offering you a chance to golf in Bill’s foursome this year. Just go here and click on the ‘I’m In’ button on the right, donate 5 bucks and you qualify. The $5 goes to charity of course.
You’ll also notice on the page there are rewards for different levels of donors. The purchase of 10 tickets ($50) gets you a limited edition T-shirt, $150 and you get a signed photo of Bill Murray. To clarify these levels, each $5 increment gets you 1 ticket submitted for the lottery. So if you bought in for $50, you’d get the t-shirt, but you also get 10 tickets to win.
Get your tickets right here!