In: Awesome
Let’s drink Austin dry this weekend.
Tonight we’ll be throwing a hell of a launch party for
KCCO Black Lager at the Rattle Inn from 7-10pm. If you weren’t able to score a ticket, we’ll be announcing our pregame spot via @ResignationBrew on Twitter. The first 10 to show up will get a ticket to the launch party.
After the meetup, we’ll be finishing off the night at Shiner’s Saloon, which also carries KCCO Black Lager. Tickets not necessary for the afterparty.
There’s a ton of other spots throughout Austin carrying our delicious misfit and we’ll be making a point to be out and about this weekend, drinking at all these fine establishments. If you are enjoying KCCO Black Lager this weekend as well, be sure to take pics and post via Instagram and Twitter with the hashtags #KCCOBeer, #KCCOBlackLager and #ResignationBrewery
See y’all this weekend,
John n’ Leo
Update: n’ Mac