Do you remember #TheMomentWhen? (8 Photos)
We have time and again established ourselves as the most generous community on the planet. But for all of us, there was a moment. The moment that separates a fan of theCHIVE from a Chiver. You know, one day you’re laughing at the website, you think boobs are cool and cats are funny, you buy a shirt and that’s it. And then, something happens – an event, a campaign, a story, a smile – and you’re never the same.
What was the moment that captured your heart? Was it the second that Major Justin Fitch realized his dream was going to come true, even if he wasn’t around to see it? Was it the day Melissa was surprised with her new house? Was it Audrina’s smile, or Zoe’s journey?
Tell us. We want to know. Find the picture of your moment, of the second you donated for the first time, or signed up for a Chive Charities membership, or had to walk into a meeting five minutes late and explain why the front of your shirt was soaked in tears. Then, post that iconic moment on Instagram and use the hashtag #TheMomentWhen.
Yes, we know there’s a 100% chance we’re going to cry. We’ve accepted that. But after we let it all out, there’s a chance we’re going to make the world 10% happier. And we’ll take those odds any day.
Editor’s Note: It is no small effort to make this world 10% happier. It takes all of us, and we understand that not everyone can afford to sign up for a Green membership… or even a membership at all. To show our appreciation, we are giving 25 people the opportunity to attend the 3rd Annual Green Gala… consider it a #RAK of sorts. So, post your picture to social media and tell us your story about #TheMomentWhen. Who knows, maybe a couple months from now, you’ll be meeting the person who, for you – started it all.