Brrrrr…and Cheers to the Weekend!! (52 Photos)
Sorry, it’s freezing here in Texas right now. In Texas, people! I digress. Happy Friday evening, Chive Nation! I am continuing to take on the important civic duty of getting all of Chivers everywhere to raise a glass in the name of…well, Charity, goodwill, and some old-fashioned fun which we all deserve!!
But I wanted to add a note for All. I see many of our lovely Chivettes sending in their cheers photos via iChive & even in the comments section, but we don’t get many guy Chivers who care to share a hardy toast with us all, and I want to continue to change that.
I’d wish to include ALL in these Weekly Cheers galleries, and I need your participation to do it! After all, I think most of us imbibe from time to time, and we all deserve a little escape (in healthy-ish moderation).