In: Awesome, Chive Nation, Entertainment
Our RAKit Wishlist is finally live! Here’s what you need to know
Ladies and Gentlemen. Chivettes and Chivers. Misfits and Misfettes — It’s here.
We’re beyond pleased to announce our RAKit Wishlist is finally available to all iChive users starting today! As we’ve mentioned in the past, the ‘Pay-It-Forward’ lifestyle is deeply engrained within theCHIVE’s ethos, and this shiny, brand-new RAKit Wishlist is a wonderful way to make another Chivette/Chiver’s day!
…Or to, you know, send them butthole-shaped chocolates and blankets that look like burritos. Whatever it is, we won’t judge. We’re just happy to provide a service that’ll be responsible for putting smiles on all of your face holes.
Savvy on how to sign up? Say no more. Below you’ll find the exact instructions on how to add a RAKit Wishlist to your iChive profile!