Most conversations don’t begin this way, “Did you enjoy your ride this morning?” asked officer Patrick Clark.
“Oh yes, handcuffs and all,” laughed Edie Simms, 102-years young.
Often times before people pass away they go about trying to fulfill a list of goals or life events that usually includes things like: skydiving, traveling to a specific location, rescuing a pet, or finally solving a crossword puzzle without any help at all. Alright, perhaps I’m projecting on the crossword puzzle. However, I know without question that most folks would rather not be arrested and ride in the back of a cop car if given the choice. But that wish by Edie Simms, the adorable old lady from South County, was exactly what she wanted the most. Simms was seen being cheerfully escorted to St. Louis’ Five Star Senior Center with accompanying St. Louis police officers that said they couldn’t be happier to help, KPLR reported.
“We love it and we get more out of it than the seniors do,” St. Louis Police Sgt. John McLaughlin told the station.
While Edie was in the back of the cop cruiser, one cop recalled her passing him by: “Edie held her hands up to show that she had the handcuffs on! She’s just such a neat lady.”