In: Awesome, Chive Nation, Funny Pictures, Heartwarming, Humanity, Inspirational
Amidst all the chaos in the world, we’re here to make you happy (40 Photos)
Lately, every time you look at the news it seems like there’s another disturbing celebrity sex scandal or soul-crushing story rocking the headlines. It began with Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, and has since rolled down the line to the likes of Louis C.K, Charlie Sheen, Steven Segal, and even George Takei. And if I’m being honest, it’s been grim consuming the daily onslaught of negativity as of late. As the media world seemingly turns to lascivious news, polarizing politics, overly-sensitive SJWs, “taking knees”, & Facebook mind-control, it got me thinking, the world needs some good news now more than ever.
TheCHIVE has always strived to be the happy escape from the hassles and grind of everyday life. Whether it’s an escape from your own daily routine OR an escape from the brutal news permeating every news outlet and website out there, theCHIVE has overwhelmingly taken a firm stance against negativity for the sake of some easy traffic. For example, instead on fixating on the celebrity sex scandals, I thought it better to spotlight uplifting anecdotes about celebs doing good in the world. Rather than imparting social moral code on the people to follow as if we are holier than though with all the answers, I’d rather pick fun at society for being babies. And don’t get me started on politics at theCHIVE, it’s essentially a no-fly zone. Why? Because these issues are divisive and we’ve never wanted to give our users a reason to be anything but united and fun-loving as you interact with one another. We might be idiots, but I think we have our heads in the right place here. No?
As we head into the holiday months, a time that should be about family, friends, laughter, and unity, theCHIVE will continue to try and make people’s days just a little bit brighter. While the rest of the world turns to overly provocative and dark news, we’ll strive to be the beacon of light we think the world needs right now. Don’t get me wrong, if the occasional douchenozzle needs to get roasted in a post from time to time, then in the name of good we’ll cover that hot mess. But ultimately, we still believe in the inherent good in people, in our community, and in the world at large. And that my friends is a message worth sharing.
So as the media continues to echo the mantra that the world is “going to Hell in a handbasket,” we’ll do our best to remind you guys otherwise with our 3 H’s: Humor, Hotness, & Humanity. And with that, I hope you enjoy these images, and keep coming back to us to get your daily fix of joy.
*Slowly steps off his soapbox*
Thanks for listening!!