In: Humanity, Inspirational
Guy battles through life saving transformation (5 Photos)
The transformation trend is steadily gaining momentum as 2017 begins to hit its stride. With the attention these weight loss journies are experiencing, I figure it would be a perfect time to shed light on another transformation people struggle with on a daily basis.
A few days ago, Reddit user Minnesotapolis posted a side by side photo detailing on one side his struggle with regular methamphetamine usage and on the other his sobriety. A life-changing transformation like this doesn’t come easy, and his motivation to make a change came from an unlikely source.
“Just a year ago Minnesotapolis posted about his struggle, and how it had been getting the better of him.
I’m a Crystal Meth addict in active addiction. I made a post about my addiction a few days ago and I just wanted to kind of update whoever saw it.
I went home to my moms house this weekend to go to an AA convention to try to get clean. I ended up getting high as soon as I got back to my apartment today and I’m devastated. I’m completely disheveled and I’m an absolute mess. I never believed them when I was growing up. I always thought they were wrong and I wanted to find out for myself…. biggest mistake I’ve ever made.
So here I sit, I’m high again and I’m unsure of what to do to stop. I’ve tried a million different ways and I have put 100% effort into 12 step work. I can’t fucking stop and this shit is going to kill me eventually.”