One barista’s simple message left on a cup saved the life of a girl on the verge of suicide (6 Photos)
Bekah Georgy loves her dogs, ballet dancing, and those closest to her. But like so many people who deal with personal demons, Georgy was secretly fighting a battle that was getting the best of her. You see, Georgy had battled anorexia & depression for most of her young life, and on one particularly bad day she she was seriously contemplating ending it all.
In the midst of all of her negative and suicidal thoughts she decided to visit her local Starbuck’s for a cup of coffee. She had zero appetite in her current state of mind and coffee seemed like the only thing she could stomach. The barista took her order, and instead of scribbling Bekah’s name on the cup like most Starbuck’s employees do, she wrote something else instead.
The letter below is how Georgy responded to the barista’s simple message…