In: Chive Nation, Heartwarming, Humanity, Inspirational, RAKs
RAK IT Week begins with a small Voluntary Act…
Chive Nation kicked off RAK It Week yesterday by asking Chivers to donate their time, effort, and even items in order to help people and organizations in need. It’s the little actions we can make as a community that adds up to the biggest impact. Below are some great examples of people taking time out of their day to do some real good and I hope it gets the juices flowing as to how we can all do our part in the coming days to help someone out with a Random act!
And don’t forget to submit all RAK IT pics via iChive, OR you can ALSO send pics in through our iPhone & or Android apps to get featured on the site!
Use ##rakit2021 on iCHIVE to help your chances of getting featured in the next themed gallery.