The day her world flipped upside down (8 Photos)
There are a lot of things that shape your life, that help define who you are.
We’re all continually learning and growing, but for the most part, we don’t recognize big changes in ourselves. For many, those changes are nearly imperceptible, small moments or experiences that help shape us. But for some, it’s one big, life-changing event that takes the world as you know it and turns it upside down.
Just before Wilisha’s 17th birthday, a normal afternoon walk back to her house became the moment that changed it all.
“It was November 2016 and I was heading home when I realized I couldn’t really feel my feet,” she told us. “It was like when your foot falls asleep and has that tingling sensation, but this lasted for a few days.”
She tried to brush it off, assuming she slept on it wrong or maybe pinched a nerve.
A few days later, she was carrying her son down the stairs when she fell, both of them tumbling to the bottom.
“I finally went to the doctor and they told me I was likely just tired and dehydrated,” Wilisha said. “It made sense because I was going to school full time, then working at night until 10 or 11pm and waking up to do it all over again – all while taking care of my baby.”