In: Awesome, Humanity, Interesting
Bar changes its drinking age to 25 to keep out annoying young ‘animals’ (5 Photos)
We’ve all been to a bar laden with loud & obnoxious kids just old enough to drink but still too young to have respect for the rest of the patrons in the bar. You know the type, the frat-minded mentality that insists on letting the rest of the bar know just how amazing their lives are right in that exact moment. We get it, you’re doing “SHOTS…SHOTS…SHOTS…” at the bar, what an insane concept we clearly need to hear about. And if you’ve never spotted this customer in a bar, think long and hard — is it you? Maybe just maybe you are the noise-polluting youth driving the rest of us up a wall. God, I feel old writing this just now. Oh well, fuck it, I’m on a roll.
The point is these child-like antics hit a boiling point for the owner of the popular establishment known as Phil’s Crummy Corner Bar in Brooklyn, New York, so much so that she decided to up the drinking age from 21 to 25 to keep out the ‘less experienced’ bar goers, Press Union reports. My first thought of course was, holy Hell, can they actually do that legally? Brilliant!