In: Interesting, Redheads
Do you live in one of America’s 10 best states for redheads? (12 Photos)
Estately has done some pretty comprehensive research and determined which states in the US are most friendly for redheads. Each state was graded on the following criteria:
1. Fewest number of clear, sunny days on average
2. Percentage of Facebook users with interest in pro-redhead sites, issues, holidays, celebrations, etc.
3. Percentage of Facebook users expressing interest in these 26 famous American redheads: Thomas Jefferson, Bonnie Raitt, Axl Rose, Carol Burnett, Chuck Norris, Emma Stone, Conan O’Brien, Jenny Lewis, Louis C.K., Julianne Moore, Malcolm X, Kathy Griffin, Mario Batali, Sylvia Plath, Mark Twain, Shirley MacLaine, Blake Griffin, Lucille Ball, Beaker (the muppet), Christina Hendricks, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Jessica Chastain, Dwight Eisenhower, and Susan Sarandon.
4. Local businesses with “redhead” or “redheaded” in name per 10,000 residents.
5. Highest amount of redhead representation in Congress per constituents
6. Preference for Ginger over Mary Ann—Google searches for Tina Louise (actress who played Ginger on Gilligan’s Island) compared to searches for Dawn Wells (actress who played Mary Ann)
Here are the top 10 states: