In: DGAF, Foreigners, Humor
#Bagelgate happened on a train and Twitter is going crazy about it (12 Photos)
What would you do if a random, drunk asshole walked up behind you and put a bagel on your head?
A video came out of a bunch of Brits on a train fighting about bagels. It has since been dubbed #BAGELGATE and it’s going viral on social media.
A group of seemingly drunk passengers decided it would be funny to put bagels on other passengers’ heads, which quickly turned into an all out brawl. Literally because of bagels. In all honestly I wouldn’t have been upset if someone put a bagel on my head, it’s a free snack. I would’ve been more upset about the lack of butter.
Some people are sensitive though and bagels just happened to be the food that set them off. The triggered passengers started throwing the offensive bagels out the window to stop the chaos on the train.
You can hear someone yelling in the background, “He’s got a bagel on ‘is ‘ead!” and this just proves you can get away with anything if you have a British accent. The British Transport Police intervene at the end of the video and later tweet a humorous response to the whole incident. When they walk through the train no one fesses up making this whole incident even funnier. Long live #BAGELGATE.