If you’re gonna’ fail, fail BIG (15 GIFS)
Three years ago, my brother and I asked ourselves, “What are people watching at bars if they’re not watching sports?” Subtitled Sports Center? So we set off to create something never before attempted, Chive TV, streaming a 5 hour loop of the newest and best viral content in the world – peak entertainment requiring no sound at all.
Chive TV is has become the fastest growing OOH (Out of Home) entertainment platform in America. Event better, it’s FREE. Bar owners have found it keeps them one giant leap ahead of the competition, bars with Chive TV are keeping customers in their seats an average of 1.7 more drinks compared with those who don’t. (Survey results proving lift out next week, it’s delicious).
But Chive TV has also expanded beyond the bars. Chive TV is so good it’s now going aboard major cruise lines, nearly every Subway restaurant in Texas, and JW Marriott pool TV’s across America.
Today we’re releasing another 1,000 Roku sticks for restaurants, bars, hotels, and out-of-the-box thinkers. Contact us RIGHT HERE. First come, first serve. We don’t play favorites.
Enjoy a glimpse at the newest, happiest, technology available to bars below…