In: GIFs, Lifestyle, Pick Up Lines, Sex and Dating
Women share the funniest ways men have hit on them (20 GIFs)
I was at a friend’s wedding with my now-husband, boyfriend at the time. We were sitting in the chairs, waiting for the ceremony to start, when a smart little boy (maybe 6 or 7) came up to us, tapped my boyfriend on the shoulder and whispered something into his ear.
I couldn’t hear it. My boyfriend nodded his head, stood up, and let the boy sit next to me, and my boyfriend looked around and saw a slightly mortified woman a couple rows back, and he assumed it was her son. He walked back and sat with the lady, said a few words, and they both laughed.
The boy next to me said, “Weddings are romantic, aren’t they?” I told him yes, they were. Then he said, “When we get married, I want it to be just like this.” 🤭
At that point, his mom came up and interrupted us, and asked him to come back and sit with her. My boyfriend sat back down next to me.
He told me the boy whispered to him, “Excuse me sir? Can I sit next to her? I want to ask her to marry me.” 😍🥹
That was my favorite time being hit on.