humor 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 Man gets payback on couple whose dog dropped a deuce on his lawn (4 Photos) by: Bob In: Humor, WTF Oct 26, 2016 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 1 Holding the door open for strangers, saying “thank you,” addressing your elders the proper way and picking up after your animals. These are common courtesies most of John Q. public practices. Sure they aren’t laws, but rather, as Larry David would call them “the unwritten rules of society.” So when Redditor BaldandoldinIdaho’s lawn was used as a toilet, directly in front of him, a line had been crossed and revenge was imminent. The story is below… “I live in a very popular resort city in the North West. We have a beautiful lake that is perfect for setting off fireworks above for the fourth of July. We live four blocks from the beach so we know through experience to leave our cars in front of our house in order to save our parking spots but that doesn’t stop people from parking across the cross walk at the corner of our lot.” Like this post? 0 Liked! 0 Disliked 0
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