In: Amazing, Sports, Ya Nailed It
People’s most insignificant personal athletic achievements (21 Images)
This is a post that’s very close to my heart. Not because I find it particularly interesting, but because it allows me to gloat about my own insignificant athletic achievements.
For three summers I was an absolutely exceptional wiffle ball player. I could always hit and field but as I entered sixth grade something clicked for me. I developed a slider, a riser and a drop ball (more or less a 12-6 curveball).
In the summer after sixth-grader I no-hit two Juniors into the final inning until giving up a hit on the last out. Before the summer was over I pulled off the league’s first no-hitter.
The following summer I threw a no-hitter on a Friday. That Sunday, I threw my first perfect game at my neighbor’s confirmation party. I sat down cousin after cousin. Struck out friend after friend. It is one of my fondest childhood memories.
If that’s not insignificant enough for you, try these on (and share your own in the comments!).