In: Humor, I Do What I Want
There’s a glitch in the matrix (17 GIFS)
CHIVE TV has not only answered the question, “What are you watching at bars when you’re not watching sports?” it has also answered the question, “What are you watching at bars when you ARE watching sports?”
A recent People Count study found that turning all your bar’s tv’s to sports is a very bad idea. Why? Because only 50% of people go to bars to watch sports. Moreover, there’s no inherent gender bias at bars so when a bar turns all its TV’s to sports, you typically see more men there watching it, right? That’s because content dictates audience. Bars that offer counter-programming on just a couple TV’s for non-sports fans actually average up to 50% more customers during game day.
The #1 solution for that is CHIVE TV, now the largest DOOH network in the world, streaming endless loops of awesome content requiring no sound at all. And it’s FREE.
We’re releasing 200 free CHIVE TV streaming sticks in this gallery today. When they’re gone they’re gone and many of you know there is a lengthy wait list when they’re out of stock. Get CHIVE TV for your bar or restaurant right here! (just scroll down to the sign up portion).