humor 1197 Liked! 12 Disliked 0 Top Comments will put you in the jolliest of spirits (73 Photos) by: Bob In: Awesome, Chive Nation, Funny Pictures, Humor, Top Photos Dec 22, 2024 1197 Liked! 12 Disliked 0 1 Hello All, and I can officially say Happy Holidays!! I wanted to let everyone know ahead of time that I will be off the grid for a few days this coming week with limited access to the internet, so the odds are I will not have a Top Comments for next Sunday. HOWEVER, I still intend to go through every post when I get back home and so the following Sunday I will lump in 2 full weeks of your irreverent commentary! But for now, enjoy comment gold as you head into the teeth of the holiday season! Godspeed & good luck! Like this post? 1197 Liked! 12 Disliked 0
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