When did we all become such sensitive babies? (40 Photos)
I remember back in 2016 thinking to myself “have we as a society gotten so accustomed to protecting ourselves, physically & emotionally, that we’re no longer able to speak openly in public for fear of social shaming?” I had hoped, much like the ebbs & flows of the ocean tide, that after the election ended most of the hypersensitive mentality would naturally subside back down to a tolerable level. Call it the hopeless optimist in me that always has faith in people first, but I really assumed cooler heads would begin to prevail in 2017. Yet here we are, and if anything the times have gotten more tumultuous than ever.
So as I’ve done before, I’d like to remind everyone (with some images to be taken in jest) of a time when people seemed to have a bit thicker skin than we do nowadays. A time when you could crack wise and people didn’t misconstrue the message or blow it out of proportion for the sake of shaming another individual to make themselves feel superior. A time when “gluten-free” was just the next dietary buzzword and not the only way of life.
We’re all walking on eggshells these days, sidestepping social landmines for fear of public condemnation. And for all the good intentions of some, many SJW’s are actually inhibiting our own right to speak & act freely. I think this overbearing & overly-sensitive ideology will only weaken our society over time. Sometimes, like a kid bolstering their own immune system by getting a little dirty, we have to be willing to hear other’s opinions and ideas and not fold the second another’s ideology doesn’t align with our own. This is normal, and diversity amongst all people should be a cherished thing.
There are great and important social causes worth championing, I 100% agree, but not everything said should be taken so black and white; there is a gray area too, and we should all take a second to think before flying off the handle at every single word uttered.
So please, take these images in the spirit they’re intended, laugh, & lighten up for goodness sake.
*Once again steps off soapbox.
And by the way, if you like this message then please share it with friends & family. Cheers!!