Things teachers did in the ’80s and ’90s that would not fly today (25 GIFs)
In high school, we would sometimes play knee soccer which was in our wrestling room (wall-to-wall wrestling mats) and was really just handball but on our knees.
The PE teacher (football coach) let us play rough since it was an all male class, and we were on our knees and couldn’t do too much damage.
During the game two of the students were grappling for the ball and as these things go, one of them accidentally knocked the other a little too aggressively.
The kid that got hit (a known as*hole of the school) got pissed and stood up and kicked the other kid.
The PE teacher (225 lb., jacked military haircut) stormed over and shoved the kid who flew about 10 feet before crashing to the ground.
The kid gets up ready to fight whoever shoved him and the teacher had closed the gap and started screaming at him. Then the teacher lectured the entire class about sportsmanship and honor.
The teacher never got in any trouble.