Guy dumps girlfriend after Valentine’s Day dinner for the insane way she treated staff
When out on a dinner date, you can tell a lot about a woman by how she treats the waiter.
If she is rude to the waiter, you can assume she either A) has no respect for other people B) enjoys spit in her garden salad or C) is bad at carrying lots of things at once and is jealous of the waiter’s skills.
On the flip side, it also says a lot about a woman if she is too nice to a waiter. For instance, if she stands up and hugs the waiter, inhales deeply, then kisses him hard on the mouth, you can assume she is either A) not interested in you romantically B) insane or C) addicted to ecstacy.
Finding that middle ground is crucial. And this guy wound up with a Valentine’s Day date who sits all the way on the rude end of the spectrum. But what goes around comes around. Luckily, this meal was finished off with the sweetest of desserts: Karmic Justice, drizzled in a creamy “In Your Face” sauce, and sprinkled with candy-coated DEEZ nuts.
The waitress who saw the whole thing go down was kind enough to bless us with all the tasty details.