In: Mind Blowing, Sports
Lakers v Clippers reboot new season and a bet for the ages!
It’s absolute insanity to think that there hasn’t been a dribble of NBA Basketball since March 11th when the Denver Nuggets were bested by the Dallas Mavericks. And if I’m being honest that feels like a very long time ago given all that has transpired since.
But I’m not here to dwell on these past four pandemic-filled months, because finally we’re starting to get back into the sport-driven reality we’ve always known and loved. Well, a version of it anyway.
Television just isn’t the same without sports playing. Period. And even to see ESPN finally able to post clips of fresh, relevant content rather than reminiscing on decades-old events and pontificating on what the future might hold for sports in the second half of 2020 is so refreshing.