In: Awesome, Chive Charities, Military
Chivers, this is the story of Taylor Morris (22 Photos)
Donate right here.
If you feel like mailing a check, a $5 bill, or even a letter of encouragement:
Sid and Alvira Morris
5026 Sage Rd
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
I’ll be bringing you updates every hour on the donation amounts as they come in so check back.
I know Taylor is reading this, theCHIVERS will be making a company donation of $1,000 as well as personal donations to get this started. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice.
Chivers, you know what to do.
UPDATE #1: $27,814.00 in less than 45 minutes. Chivers, this is amazing.
Update #2: 12:15 PM PST: $36,442 Goal exceeded! The family told me the donations appear to be coming in even faster right now.
Update #3: 12:35 PST: $48,170
Update #4: After crossing the $50,000 mark I spoke to Taylor, Danielle, and the Morris family. They are gathered around the computer in disbelief. Taylor said, “I had no expectations for this, John, I can’t believe this is happening. Please thank all the Chivers for me from the bottom of my heart.”
Update #5: 1:40 PST: $60,000
Update #6: 2:00 PST: $70,000
Update #7: 2:20 PST $80,000
Update #8: 3:20 PST $95,000. Let’s do this, Chivers!
Super-Awesome Update: We just hit $100,000 in 4 hours and the donations show no sign of stopping.
Update #10: 5:30 PST $115,265, UPDATE #11 (5 minutes later): $120,000
Late Night Update: I’ll continue these updates first thing in the morning. Even late into the night the donations continue to surge. We’ve hit $143,000. You’ve exceeded the initial goal by over $100,000. Words escape me.
Update #11: 8:00 am PST $177,641
Update #12: 1:30 PST $196,000 – The final push to $200k
Update #13: $200,000!!!
Update #14:$210,000
Update #14. Saturday 10:00 am PST $230,000