20 Liked! 11 Disliked 1 Where was this beauty when I was in the Air Force (10 Photos) by: Rick In: Air Force, Military Girls Dec 17, 2014 20 Liked! 11 Disliked 1 1 Miss Gat/ Instagram Quite the resume so far Charissa. A girl that was an All-State basketball player in Florida, went on to pursue a modeling career, did five years in the Air Force, separated and is working on her Master’s while continuing to model. She enjoys salt-water fishing, camping, extreme sports such as skydiving and snowboarding while going to the gun range as well. Overall Charissa is one BA chica. Find out more info about her at charissalittlejohn.com or follow her on Instagram (@charissa_littlejohn), Twitter (@Charissa_35) or Facebook Category: Air Force, Military Girls Like this post? 20 Liked! 11 Disliked 1
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