hotness 82 Liked! 3 Disliked 0 China attempts to censor ‘Heart-Boob’ challenge, the internet has other plans (14 Photos) by: Ben In: Asian, Boobs, Hotness Oct 11, 2017 82 Liked! 3 Disliked 0 1 Look, I’m not going to debate how trends like this started because there’s no defining it. This is partly because I can’t understand Chinese news outlets and partly because there’s no way I’m really reading anything with this staring me in the face. From what I gathered reading from my peripherals, a live-stream hostess in China challenged her followers to try out her ‘heart-boob’ challenge an attempt to gain more followers. It wouldn’t take Warren Buffet to say that the marketing campaign was wildly successful. Like this post? 82 Liked! 3 Disliked 0
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