hotness 2 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 Bryn has something nice to show you (10 Photos) by: John In: High-Res, Hot Women, Hotness May 1, 2019 2 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 1 Hey all, This announcement has been 6 months in the making. It started with a development meeting where we laid it all on the table. We left that meeting with three tall orders: Stop theCHIVE app from crashing entirely, make the app lightning fast, and integrate iCHIVE onto the app (which was possibly the tallest of the tall orders). The new Chive app rolled out two weeks ago and is the best-reviewed iteration since version 1.2. You can get it free here. I’m going to highlight the new features until Bryn winds up in my pool. So this’ll get good… Like this post? 2 Liked! 0 Disliked 0
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