hotness 13 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 Chivette EMS volunteer is too cute (19 Photos) by: Rick In: Chive Everywhere, Chivers Who Serve, Hotness, Military, Military Girls May 4, 2016 13 Liked! 0 Disliked 0 1 From Chivette Katherine Schaffer’s e-mail: “I just graduated from St. Mary’s College of Maryland and will be moving to the MVA area to continue my science career by entering a 2 year program in genomics. I have been volunteering for 2 years in Southern Maryland and it is an absolute passion to be able to help the community. I was introduced to the Chive and the Brigade by some amazing Chivers who are part of the United States Army and Navy, and I am too happy they got me hooked on them.” After reading Katherine’s e-mail, I had to google “genomics”. It’s the study of DNA sequence mapping. Category: Chive Everywhere, Chivers Who Serve, Hotness, Military, Military Girls Like this post? 13 Liked! 0 Disliked 0
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