In: Fuego
Sexy Smiling Chivettes goes live tomorrow. Send us your photos!
We try to keep it upbeat here at theCHIVE. So what better way to spread the love than with some beautiful smiles? This week I’m asking as many Chivettes as possible to send in their smiles. I know some of you like to remain anonymous but try to sneak in the top of your grin this week if you can.
All past Chivettes are welcome to re submit this week. As usual, we always welcome our first-time Chivettes to muster up the courage (most find the experience completely awesome).
AWESOME INSTRUCTIONS: Grab your camera (phone) and write ‘Hi Chivers’ on a sign or some part of your body (be as creative as you like). Then use our handy-dandy upload page to send pics to thechivesubmit [at] gmail [dot] com and collect internet fame. Let’s have some fun this week. Above all: Be Creative! Do it for your country!
Chive On!