A first look at the sexy new Chivette Athletic Line (20 HQ Photos)
The new Chivette Logo gear has become wildly popular with our Chivettes recently. We asked our Chivettes what they’d like more than anything in the world and the answer was to release a high-quality Athletic Line.
All of the apparel is hand stitched to the highest grade without the $100+ markups you’ll find with high-end corpo labels (like the company that rhymes with Fru Fru Slimmin).
We’re pleased to announce the Chivette Yoga Pants, Shorty Shorts, Strappy Sports Bra, and Knockout Tops. They arrive this Wednesday at Noon PDT, 3pm EST.
Thanks to all the Chivettes who put in their input on this over the last couple months and thanks especially to Liesel Hlista and Megan McDermott for their knowing how to do yoga and letting us take photos of them.
Get a detailed first-look at the Chivette Athletic Line right here!