Shooting under par never looked this sexy (51 Photos)
For 5 years now, theCHIVE has been the title sponsor of the best charity golf tournament in all the land, the Murray Bros. Charity Golf Tournament. The friendships we’ve made there over the years have led to some of the greatest adventures of my life. It was here in St. Augustine over many late-night whiskeys that Bill Murray, his brothers, myself and my brother began cooking up the designs for what has become the fastest growing clothing line in the history of golf, William Murray Golf.
The thing is, we found ourselves taking it seriously, right down to giving the brand identity some loose rules.
For example, you had to be able to spot a William Murray design from 50 yards away, but not 100. It can be loud but not too loud. And as a William Murray design approaches you, more and more details would reveal themselves – The Murray family tartan, whiskey glasses, lawnmowers mixed with martini glasses, etc… There’s truly nothing like it in the world.
William Murray Golf was created to be irreverent but classy. Everybody contributed their ideas. Bill Murray even traveled to theCHIVE HQ in Austin to finalize each and every design. All that hard word has arrived today in the Spring Line of William Murray Golf. To say these designs separate us from the pack is an understatement. They mark the beginning in a shift in golf designs, away from the staid, boring solid colors and horizontal lines. The mold hasn’t been broken, it’s been tossed out all together.
Most importantly, the proceeds to to a great Chicago cause, the Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, the Murray’s favorite Chicago charity. Beyond all the sexy you’re about to see, that’s the real reason us misfits go to St. Augustine every year – to shatter the charity record we set the year before…