hotness 22 Liked! 3 Disliked 0 Things that look better than J-Lo at 50 years old… (16 GIFs) by: Staff In: Fuego, Hot Women, Hotness, Latinas Feb 10, 2020 22 Liked! 3 Disliked 0 1GIF Two Sundays ago there was a little game of football taking place at a J-Lo and Shakira concert. Yeah, the football was fun and the Patriots weren’t there for once so that was nice, but the real highlight of the game was that halftime show where Shakira and J-Lo shook their asses for not nearly long enough. Shortly thereafter two sets of memes started to pop up. First, it was the whole, “this is NC-17 and not fit for children blah blah blah.” I take personal offense to that because teenage me would have totally enjoyed it. Anyway, then you had the second round of memes that focused on “holy shit J-Lo is 50-years-old” to which most of us responded, “Holy shit J-Lo is 50-years-old?” That got me thinking, is there anything finer than 50-year-old J-Lo? So, here for your entertainment is the resounding answer to that question: Like this post? 22 Liked! 3 Disliked 0
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