Zombie Chivettes, although sexy, are also very dangerous (39 Photos)
Every year around this time, the employees of theCHIVE meet a gruesome end to their lives at the hands of something sexy. We all know the risks. We’re busy restaffing right now but we wanted to show you how it all went down. The losses were heavy this year (Dave Welch was’t a huge loss upon reflection) and most will be missed. I am, of course, writing this from the grave.
Today we’re releasing our entire 2015 Halloween Collection including Chiver at Heart, this year with a front and back.. and glow in the dark C. New this year is the BFM Mummurray tee with glow-in-the-dark Bill. And let’s not forget the Jack-O-Lantern Keep Calm!
Let the bloodbath begin…