In: Awesome, Chive Charities, Heartwarming, Humanity, Uncategorized
Adoptive family has one wish for special needs son (19 Photos)
The video begins with 12-year-old Ivan laying in bed, Spiderman pillow by his side. The room is bright, medical equipment hums in the background, a monitor hovers inches from his face. Then, you hear it.
“I want to go for a ride.” It’s a child’s voice, but Ivan’s lips aren’t moving.
“I know you do, buddy,” a woman says. Ivan’s eyes move back and forth across the screen, then the woman says, “Our van’s not working, I’m so sorry.”
“I want to go for a ride,” the child’s voice says again.
“I know you do, baby.”
He asks again and again, the woman continues to apologize, and finally, the little voice says, “That’s so sad.”