humanity 985 Liked! 104 Disliked 0 Diving face down into the pros and cons of butt-chugging alcohol by: Zach In: Adulting, Facts, Humanity, Mind Blowing, Nope, Party, Science, Uncategorized, WTF May 10, 2024 985 Liked! 104 Disliked 0 1 Most folks may have heard of the phrases ‘boofing’ or ‘butt-chugging’, but many don’t actually know what that means. In scientific terms, it’s an alcohol enema. Simple as that. Butt-chugging involves ingesting alcohol through the rectum, as opposed to the old-fashioned hole; your mouth. Just like all decisions in life, it’s good to weigh the pros and cons before deciding to choose the alcohol enema route. Don’t you worry, we’ve got you covered on all fronts (and backs.) Like this post? 985 Liked! 104 Disliked 0
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