In: FAIL, Humor, Idiot, Video, Ya Nailed It
4 Nailed IT vs. 4 FAILed it (Video)
Nailed IT vs. FAILed it: a quick Compilation of 8-clips.
All the videos were submitted to Instagram @thechive.
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Clip source.
Source: Dive
Check-out more on IG @downtoearthemily
Source: Bell Bonk
Source: Hot girl walk
Check-out more on IG @acpent
Source: Purple water girl
Check-out more on IG @dawnmarie.xo
Source: Golf one-arm
Source: Golf dance
Check-out more on IG @emilycsayers
Source: Bow fish girl
Check-out more on YouTube/Vickystark1
Source: Spray face
Source: Dance on horse girl
Source: Idiot rider