A special needs day care, the forgotten children, and a miracle (36 Photos)

“Somebody said to me. ‘You know, your kids really aren’t that important to people.'”

Joanne Williams had been an educator of special needs kids for 14 years. She’d heard it before, though she never quite understood people’s compulsion to actually say it. Strong people don’t put others down — they lift them up…


Tiny fighter stumbles but never falls (17 HQ Photos)

Today is World Rare Disease Day. To raise awareness we’re sharing a very special story about a little girl named Aubree, who is affected by a disease so rare… it hasn’t been diagnosed yet.

Aubree’s story is one of perseverance and resilience, a daily search to find a diagnosis, and hopefully one day, a cure. Read and share her story to show your support of the underdogs!