Genius 5-year-old tricks adults in the best way (5 Photos)
Children are little sponges that soak up everything they see and hear. Sometimes they will surprise you with how incredibly smart they are.

Little kid enjoying spaghetti is everyone’s drunk spirit animal (Video)
We all know that feeling of pure bliss when you finally get a big plate of food after a long night of drinking. If you can relate, then we’ve found your spirit animal.

The Force is strong with this little boy’s tauntaun costume (Video)
This is hands down the best halloween costume of the year. Forget all of the Harley Quinns and Jokers, THIS is hands down the best costume of the year.

Little girl can’t say the word “spot” (Video)
We all know that kids say the darndest things, but this little girl has an exceptionally hard time with the word “spot.” Either that, or she’s just conning her parents into letting her cuss on camera.

Over-protective mom finds daughter’s “drugs” and a perfect exchange takes place (5 Photos)
What began as a simple text exchange between a mother and daughter, got escalated in a hurry after the mom found some suspicious looking pills in her girl’s room. It all started with the daughter’s simple request…

Kid shows off talent at the Yo-Yo World Championships (Video)
If you thought yo-yoing was dead, then think again! This kid is definitely on the top of his game, showing off his moves at the Yo-Yo World Championships!