Don’t call it a comeback, the underdog is now the champion! (15 Photos)
After Pat Perez won the Mayakoba Open yesterday, a reporter asked him how he pulled off his comeback?
He said: “I had an attitude that I can’t really repeat, but it worked.”
ZFG:Zero F*cks Given

A special needs day care, the forgotten children, and a miracle (36 Photos)
“Somebody said to me. ‘You know, your kids really aren’t that important to people.'”
Joanne Williams had been an educator of special needs kids for 14 years. She’d heard it before, though she never quite understood people’s compulsion to actually say it. Strong people don’t put others down — they lift them up…

The softest KCCO Hoodies since soft came to soft town (7 Photos)
The all new KCCO Medium-Weight Hoodies are finally HERE!

On Bill’s Birthday, William Murray Golf is born (8 Photos)
Bill Murray is officially weighing in on the game of golf. William Murray Golf has arrived.

Join Bill Murray and theCHIVE, win the Cinderella Story experience (8 Photos)
Every spring, Bill Murray, the Murray brothers, musicians, baseball and football pros, and theCHIVE descend upon the world of Golf Village, home to the Golf Hall of Fame, for the most hilarious charity golf tournament there is – The Murray Bros. Caddyshack Charity Golf Tournament. It’s the kind of tournament where you find yourself in a hotel room at 3am, drinking Macallan with your heroes wondering – How I did get here???

The 5th Annual 4th of July Pool Party at Gatsby South was wet, hot, AND very American (52 HQ Photos)

Introducing the Gunga Galunga, for those seeking total consciousness (5 Photos)
Today we bring you an entirely new rewards program for any Chiver or Chivette who shoots a video that makes the homepage of theCHIVE. Introducing the Gunga Galunga badge… Submit your videos to iCHIVE HERE!

Thanks to you I got thrown out of a plane (23 Photos)
Last week, Carmen Dickman challenged me to go skydiving with her to raise money for police officers who had been killed in the line of duty in Dallas. Carmen knew I had only one major fear in my life – being thrown out of a perfectly good airplane. I begrudgingly agreed, with strings attached: I’d only jump if we raised $10,000 for the ATO (Assist The Officer), which supported the families of the fallen officers in Dallas…